Robby’s Senior Pictures in Durango CO

I am always so honored when we get to photograph siblings of past senior portrait clients. It means we did it right the first time and I really appreciate the repeat business. It’s so much fun to work with new people as well, but it’s also pretty awesome to continue building a relationship. We photographed Robby’s sister, Elizabetha, for her senior pictures a few years back. So of course I was excited to hear from their mom when it was Robby’s turn. We had originally scheduled Robby’s session on a day that we had a full on blizzard, and you couldn’t see the awesome backdrop we wanted to use at Baker’s Bridge due to the snow and clouds. So, we rescheduled and that afternoon ended up being perfect. Baker’s is one of my favorites for the color of the water, the view back up the valley, etc, etc. Hope you love!

Guy Senior Pictures Durango CO Boys Senior Portraits Senior Pictures Durango CO

Robby’s Senior Pictures in Durango CO from Allison Ragsdale on Vimeo.