amazing senior picture

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Who are you? Mariah Tucson
What is your nickname and who gave it to you? My nickname is Riah because it’s short for Mariah, my family gave it to me when I was little.
If you could be a SuperHero, what would your name be and what would be your Superpower? I’d be a SuperHero as fierce as Beyoncé, because I’m pretty sure she has every power I would want or need as a strong powerful girl, so basically people would call me a Goddess.
What is something nobody knows about you? I’m probably the only girl you know who doesn’t like sushi and thinks pugs are adorable.
Describe one of the following and why: your favorite band, favorite place to shop, favorite hang out, biggest pet peeve, favorite junk food, favorite brand to wear. My BIGGEST pet peeve is when someone text or snapchats me first and after I reply to them they stop talking to me. First off why would someone try to contact me just to ignore me? Secondly my phone clearly shows when they have seen or opened my response, so that’s just rude. Finally if you are someone who does that just know it’s not cool, it’s actually annoying so you should stop or not contact me in the first place because it’s a waist of my time.
P.S. sorry for the rant, it just really upsets me.
What is your favorite memory of a Activity, Sport or Hobbies you are involved in? My favorite part about cheer this year was getting to cheer on a box at the home football games because my friends actually decided to not cheer with me, but to cheer for me! The student section chanted “We love Tucson!” and to know I have my own cheerleaders cheering in the stands for me brings me the most joy and makes every game all worth it.
Who is your favorite teacher and why? Monty is the most chill bro form of a teacher as a teacher gets, like it’s unreal, He is my absolute favorite teacher at DHS hands down. I go to Monty for everything, I actually call him my “school dad” because he is helpful with advice and genuinely cares about me as a person. I also like that both classes I had with him I got an A and he gives the best hugs.
What do you want to be when you grow up (dream job)? I’m not 100% sure on my whole life plan, but my dream college would be Oklahoma State University. I would love to become a designer or work with family services…but new ideas to come up often, so nothing is set in stone.
Describe your session to someone that was not at the session. (Best part, funniest moment, coolest location, etc) My model session was perfect from start to finish! It was a real treat to get my hair and makeup done! I also had fun trying some new lighting ideas in the studio, but my favorite part was shooting outside because we luckily had a really nice day. It was hard to change outfits because I had so many, but I think it was defiantly worth the effort. The best part is when you get to see your photos once they are finished.
What would you like others to know about Allison Ragsdale Photography?
I think if you are looking for high quality photos Allison Ragsdale Photography is the best in town, you honestly get what you pay for. I think they really couldn’t do you wrong, they are that good at what they do, its defiantly worth it for senior photos or weddings. Allison is great at personalizing your shoots and is open to your own ideas or preferences. She really does help you look your best, for example I needed a couple wardrobe suggestions and she gave her honest opinion on if she liked my belt with my dress or without, and earrings or no earrings, and I think getting her advice for those things or direction in your poses makes all the difference.



Mariah Tucson from Allison Ragsdale on Vimeo.