Current High School: Durango High School
College Hopeful? If so, where? Grand Canyon University
What are you thinking of majoring in? Business
Extra Curricular Activities: El Diablo Newspaper
Sports, Hobbies, Fun stuff:
Dance, tennis, guitar, horseback riding, and piano. I also like to hike and explore in the mountains.
Who is your favorite teacher and why?
Mrs. McLachlan because she cares about everyone’s personal lives and checks in on you to make sure everything is going well. She also challenges me in what I do, and pushes me to try harder.

What is your biggest accomplishment?
Going on missions trips
If you could have a super power what would it be and why?
Flying. I like flying in airplanes and I always thought it would be cool to go through the clouds and touch them. Plus I could get places without having to pay for gas.

Senior Images Kylie Cobb Durango Senior Durango High School Girl Durango Colorado Senior Senior Pic Allison Ragsdale Photography Allison Ragsdale DHS Senior Unique Senior Pics