Brynne’s Horse Portrait Session Durango CO
Brynne is a junior at Durango High School this year and an impressive horse woman. She and her adorable horse, Scooter, make quite the team, whether in the arena or on Brynne’s horse portrait session Durango CO! They were so much fun to photograph together and even though I was warned Scooter can be spooky, he behaved perfectly for Brynne. I could see his trust in her. Brynne and I “met” a few years ago when she wrote a article for El Diablo about the “Prom Dress in Skiis” photo shoot with did with Boutique Couture. She had to remind me of that, but I remember it well now. Brynne is really beautiful, inside and out, and I hope to work with her and incredible family again soon!