Bradley Family Pictures in Durango

Kathy and Jim were way too much fun to work with and photograph – seriously! When Kathy first called me about photographing she and Jim, she mentioned how awkward they would be in front of the camera and how they wanted some less traditional more interactive portraits. Well, they certainly weren’t awkward in front of my camera and I absolutely love both the posed and more interactive portraits we got! We had a gorgeous, if a bit chilly, fall morning for their shoot. We played in the fall leaves for a while, then finished the session in the warm studio. We laughed the entire time and I’m surprised my abs weren’t sore the next day from it all. We created some really awesome metal collages for their kids as Christmas gifts and another awesome metal collage for their home. I loved that this session wasn’t for a particular occasion, such as a wedding, engagement, senior graduation, etc – a session of these two lovebirds just because. Hope you love too!

Engagement Photos Durango Favorite Durango Photographer Family Photos By Allison Ragsdale Studio Photography Durango CO

Bradley Family Pictures in Durango from Allison Ragsdale on Vimeo.